This is the title of the novel, which the authors Maria Patelmo and Paolo Bulzi wrote in 2019.
A fascinating, exciting, touching story in the historical re-enactment of events, which has been able to combine: history, fantasy, love and a hint of hilarity. … The same ingredients that distinguish the birth and growth of Albergo Trattoria Italia!
But where did the idea of the book come from?
I call it the law of attraction! It was an idea that had been whirling in my head for a while. Then, almost by accident, an email arrives! What initially looked like a hoax slowly takes shape and content. So I decide to invite Maria and Paolo to our restaurant! A good dinner, accompanied by a good wine, started a mutual relationship of esteem and sympathy, from then on everything was natural and spontaneous.
The authors: Maria and Paolo:
Our first two novels were set abroad. With the third, in order to pay homage to the body of the Bersaglieri, we chose to move to Italy. Since then our books have done nothing but travel around Italy, narrate the curiosities and history of our inimitable country. And what better idea to write a story in the place where the second war of independence was fought which led to the creation of the Kingdom of Italy?
So, gladly, we sent local companies a proposal for collaboration for the drafting of a manuscript. The enterprising Simone Starace did not miss the opportunity and, after a careful study of the territory, of the events that have characterized it over the centuries and of the tourist beauties, we catapulted the protagonists into breathtaking adventures, situations at the edge of the paradox and emotions that each of us would like to try.
A reading not to be missed!